101 Ways You Can Make Money From Raw Land

101 Ways You Can Make Money From Raw Land

Raw land is valuable, just like all other types of real estate, and what you decide to do with your own property can increase its value even further.

You can easily make money from your raw land, depending on where it is located, what resources you have, and how much you want to invest.

You can invest, make some money, or live off the property by looking at business ideas for abandoned rural land.

To get started, check out the list of methods to profit from undeveloped land below.

What's Ahead...

1. Allow A Cell Phone Company To Build A Tower On Your Land

Contact a service provider if the location of your vacant land is suitable for a cell tower.

They might be prepared to pay you for erecting a tower on your land.

2. Allow The City To Build Through-Roads

There are occasions when the city needs your land to construct roadways for the entire neighborhood.

They frequently do, however, offer the owner compensation.

By authorizing the construction of these roads on land you might not be using, you can profit from undeveloped land.

3. Allow Tiny Houses To Rent

These days, renting individual tiny homes is a popular method to get away for a short time.

These can be listed on Airbnb or another online market. Just remember that you have to abide by all local zoning laws.

4. Animal Sanctuary

Animal shelters are usually pushed for space, so let them come to you and make an offer for your extra space.

You can start an animal refuge, work with qualified vets, and build a company that respects the lives of all animals.

5. Botanical Gardens

Open up your own botanical garden if you’re a botany fan or have a green thumb. You can contribute to the preservation of indigenous species and plant collections for educational purposes.

Even butterfly sanctuaries and tropical greenhouses are commonplace in botanical gardens.

Admission-based botanical gardens are possible, and they can even be rented out for special occasions like weddings.

6. Breed Animals To Sell

You can also generate money by breeding animals to sell. You ought to try it if you have the space and time to do so.

Just make sure you’re abiding by the local laws and treating all involved well.

7. Build A Building For A Fast-Food Franchise

Depending on where you are, you never know who might want to use your undeveloped land, and fast-food chains frequently seek to expand.

8. Build A Concert Venue

Having outdoor seating at concerts calls for a lot of space.

Use your undeveloped land for this, and you’ll make a lot of money!

9. Build A Fallout Shelter

To protect oneself from exposure to dangerous chemicals, construct an underground shelter.

If they are equipped with canned goods and clean water, fallout shelters can sustain occupants during a crisis.

You can let customers hire out a fully equipped fallout shelter even if there is no disaster. They can now experience what it’s like to be in a doomsday bunker!

10. Build A Gas Station

This requires a considerably larger investment, but if you have undeveloped land on a lengthy stretch of the highway where drivers may be scrambling for gas, you might quickly have a successful enterprise.

Just be sure that doing so is permitted by the zoning.

11. Build A Parking Lot

Do you live in an area where events are held frequently? Make extra parking available and charge a small fee per vehicle!

Before you know it, the business will be booming.

12. Build A Public Swimming Pool

Who wouldn’t want a neighborhood community pool?

On your undeveloped property, create a pool and levy a membership or entry fee.

13. Build A Separate Rental Property

To generate income from undeveloped land, if you don’t want to welcome guests in your home, you can construct standalone, long-term rental homes.

If zoning and other local rules permit it, another option is to build a mobile home on the property.

14. Build An Amusement Park

Similar to other large ventures, it costs money to establish an amusement park, but developers might be interested in your property.

If they are, they would be happy to pay you for it.

15. Build An Earth-Bermed Home

This type of house is built to fit into the surroundings. Typically, the walls of this type of housing are constructed using the dirt and topography already there.

You can live quietly and take in the pleasant hobbit-life feel in an earth-bermed abode.

It would be a unique Airbnb experience as well. Just make sure this style of structure is permitted by the local building code.

More Ways You Can Make Money From Raw Land

Ways You Can Make Money From Raw Land

If none of these money-making methods capture your attention, take a look at even more ways you can use your raw land for profit:

  1. Build an event hall
  2. Build an ice rink
  3. Build athletic fields
  4. Build fishing ponds
  5. Build horse stables
  6. Build wood furniture from timber on your land
  7. Bushcraft education
  8. Cemetery
  9. Charge admission on seasonal activities
  10. Community compost
  11. Community park
  12. Conservation
  13. Consider hemp farming for CBD oil
  14. Create a campground
  15. Create a hostel business
  16. Create a paintball course
  17. Create a pet-sitting business
  18. Create a pop-up marketplace
  19. Create a wedding venue
  20. Create an outdoor gym
  21. Create mini shops near the road
  22. Create motocross tracks
  23. Create your own ziplining park
  24. Discover any minerals you may have on the property
  25. Dog park
  26. Donate your land
  27. Drill a well
  28. Drill for oil
  29. Establish a community land trust
  30. Farm snails
  31. Food trucks
  32. Forest timber on the land
  33. Greenway boardwalk
  34. Grow flowers to sell at a farmer’s market
  35. Hiking
  36. Hunting
  37. Invest in building a golf course
  38. Invest in solar energy
  39. Junkyard
  40. Landfill
  41. Landscaper supply store
  42. Lease the land for grazing
  43. Look into harnessing wind energy
  44. Microbrewery
  45. Offer indoor and outdoor storage
  46. Offer outdoor fitness classes
  47. Offer tours or classes on farm life
  48. Open up your home as a bed and breakfast
  49. Outdoor obstacle course
  50. Passive-solar greenhouses
  51. Photography classes
  52. Plant a vineyard and bottle your own wine
  53. Plant crops
  54. Public art
  55. Racing or dragstrip
  56. Raise bees
  57. Raise livestock and sell their products
  58. Raise livestock to butcher
  59. Raise worms for bait
  60. Rent out advertising space on your land
  61. Rent out the land for festivals
  62. Rent out your land for research
  63. Rent plots to build a community garden
  64. Rent your field to metal-detecting clubs
  65. Restaurant garden
  66. Scenic overlook
  67. Sell the mineral rights
  68. Sell your land
  69. Set up a drive-in movie theater
  70. Set up a shooting range
  71. Specialty produce
  72. Spiritual resort
  73. Start a car washing business
  74. Start a farmer’s market
  75. Start a flea market
  76. Start a marijuana growing business (if legal)
  77. Start a summer camp for kids
  78. Start an atm business
  79. Temporary sporting events
  80. Touring
  81. Training facility
  82. Use the land as boat storage
  83. Use the land as RV storage
  84. Use the land for a shopping mall
  85. Waste-to-energy incinerator
  86. Water access

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Raw Land Mean In Terms Of Investing?

Raw land is more commonly known as undeveloped land, meaning that it is a vacant area without utilities, buildings, or roads. It is often used to build property on, either for personal use or profitable use.

Does Raw Land Lose Value?

If your raw land is in an area with environmental risks, then it could lose some of its value. For instance, if the land is prone to flooding, it might deter buyers or investors from taking any interest in it.

Final Thoughts

As you can tell, there are countless ways you can use your raw land to turn a profit. Whatever you decide to do, you’re sure to see the money start rolling in with your new business venture.

Paul Martinez

Paul Martinez is the founder of BendingDestiny.com. He is an expert in the areas of finance, real estate, and eCommerce.  Join him on BendingDestiny.com to learn how to improve your financial life and excel in these areas. Before starting this blog, Paul built from scratch and managed two multi-million dollar companies. One in the real estate sector and one in the eCommerce sector.